
Filter, Query and Sort without writing Javascript

Fisotope is a library that wraps around Isotope. Makes it easier to filter, sort, and query by using only html (minimum Javascript) :D. Hey, wait!! Also uses the wonderfull Ben Alamn's BBQ Jquery Plugin

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Toggle Filter Links

Set a link to toggle the filtering for an specifc category inside a facet.

Toggle Filter Operator Links

Set a link to toggle the filtering operator. And/Or i.e. Intersection/Union.

Clear Filter Links

Set a link to clear any filtering for an specific facet or other configurations.

Text Information Classes

Update html elements text with counter information. E.g. facet selected, element visible, etc.


Populate and keep updated an html selector with all the categories for an specific facet.

Sort Links

Set a link to sort your elements based on previous queries.

Query Input

Transform you input in an automatic word filter for text inside your items.

Death the Kid

Just another text to keep my symmetry OCD at ease :D